
Yohanes 3 : 16


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internet cafe siborongborong stand in the year 2009, cafe this managed by one who realize about computer. internet café this is initially has 6 personal computer with spesification pentium 4 and louvre 1 ghz. internet café this will founded because request from society because will starve for information and technology. internet benefit café this is for society especially farmers to detect economics especially prices from staple supplies, coffee price for example, chilli, onion, garlic,  and others.
to students and internet benefit student university café this is that is quicker accessings and downloaded lesson matter and lecture,  and can discuse directly with teacher or friend that understand lesson pass video media call,  or skype, voip and others.
internet cafe siborongborong prepare facilities likes:
a. browsing
b. skype
c. video call
d. voip
e. game online
f. game offline
cost lease at internet café this is enough cheap and achievable, there are some package that provided special for society:
1. personal 1 cost clock Rp 3000
2. package 1 (2 cost clock)s Rp 5000
3. package 2 (3 cost clock)s Rp 7000
4. package 3 (4 cost clock)s Rp 10000
with video existence call this is quicker society and cheap communicate with family outside city.
in the year 2013 internets cafe this, can serve society more than fifty every day.